Saturday, November 12, 2011

A new girl just arrived!

Hey there, it's Amara...
I'm sorry that I've been so quiet lately, it's just that I've had a lot of homework and my blogging time has been very little. 
I'm very happy because we have a new friend! Her name is Ruth Marlyse. She's a bit shy and quiet right now, but I remember I was like that when I got here, too! 
She arrived just in time to celebrate our human's birthday tomorrow! 
Marlyse brought her suitcase with dresses and she let me borrow a very cute yellow one.
Here we are, posing for the camera! I hope we can become good friends!
What do you do when you want to become somebody's friend?


  1. Hi Amara,
    Congrats on making a new friend! I'm sure Marlyse will warm up to all of you over time. I would say, making a new friend is easy if you remember to: listen, share, give hugs!
    Best wishes,

  2. Salut, Amara!
    I'm sure that you and Marlyse will become great friends. Those dresses look beautiful on you girls. The colors are stunning!

  3. Hi girlies!
    Miles and I reaaaaally like your blog. We are kitties. We are living the best life over here at our house in Furrginia.
    Our servant (mom) loves AG dolls. She has 4 of them. guess how OLDE she is? she is old.
    She has two humangirls that are so big they grew up and left home to do big girl things like work and shop for their own stuff.
    Mom says she really loves your dresses and all of your outfits on your bloggie. Does your mom make those dresses? What about that cool pink jacket and the yellow short sleeve jacket?
    Where do you buy them? you can email us or comment on my blog when you finish your homework. Meantime, have fun and Never say no to FUN, cookies and milk!

