Friday, May 13, 2011


Gracie was a dear friend to us. She left two weeks and went back to the States!  We miss her a lot. But we know she's happy and that makes us happy.
So now we're five. Not for too long I suppose...
Amara-Cherie started getting headaches. She was taken to the vinyl optometrist and when she got back she was wearing glasses! We think she looks a bit nerdy, but they actually suit her very well. I guess nerdy is good too. She's really intelligent, always carrying a book around, and searching for new things to learn. 
Breanna is asking for a guitar. She wants one desperately. I hope she gets it soon because we're getting tired hearing about guitars. 
Claudette has been trying to convince Rebecca to return to her modern self, but so far nothing has worked. She has shown Rebecca all the fashion magazines she has (which are a lot!), tried to fix up her hair, and she lent her the best outfits she has, but Rebecca is reluctant to come back, she says that she was meant to be a historical doll, whatever that means!

I'm busy trying to make our garden grow. The frown lawn is getting green and pretty. We need some flowers, maybe we'll get some soon.
Do you like gardens?
- Linden.


  1. I'm sure Grace will be happy in her new place.
    I like to garden, but sometimes (okay, a lot of times) I forget to water it and then everything gets dried out.

  2. Bonsoir!
    I was looking at your header photo, and you girls have the cutest clothes! I love the outfit you are wearing in this post, too, Linden. Cute!
    I'm happy that Gracie is happy. I'm sure she misses you girls, though.
    Tell Amara-Cherie that I said glasses are awesome...I'm sure she looks great in them!
