Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our family has grown!

This is so bad!!! I just told my human person that there's no point in having a blog if she's not going to let us use the computer to post!! I feel so sorry. Poor abandoned blog. After a bit of arguing we were told we'll get the computer once a week... I'm so glad! Hopefully this will become a bit more fun.

During the last month our family has grown! Dear Amara-Cherie finally came to live with us! She had been staying at Juliette and Lucie's house (Claudette's sisters). We are so glad she's here and we all love Cherry (our nickname to her). She was a bit quiet at first but now she's talking a bit more. She's so pretty.

Rebecca has been a bit strange. She's suddenly feeling historical. I don't understand what that means. All I know is that she went to get her dark red dress two weeks ago and hasn't changed since. I think she feels a bit lonely because she's Jewish and we're not. She talks about Passover and things we don't know much about. I wish one of us could understand her better.

The weather is soooo hot here, and this is just April!! We haven't gone outside at all, it's plenty hot inside already. I hope we can soon make a pool party. We need to get more swimsuits.

So here's a pic of us six! It's so nice, we can hang out in pairs now and nobody is left out!

Have a good week!!!!


  1. Bienvenue, Cherry! :) Nice to meet you!
    You girls should definitely keep blogging. I'd also love to see photos of you girls around Mexico, since I love other cultures.
    Your outfits are very cute, too.

  2. Welcome to Amara-Cherie!! You've joined a wonderful family. I'm sorry to hear that you're worried about Rebecca. Maybe she's wanting to explore her family history and this is how she does it? You never know, she might bring one or two of you along on her new adventure in history, or maybe she'll meet a new friend or two along the way. Best wishes to all of you!!

  3. Congratulations on your new sister! :-)

    Maybe Rebecca would feel better if when you didn't understand something, you just asked. That way she would know you were interested, and maybe she would enjoy explaining it so you could learn. I don't think she'd be upset that you don't already know; I think she'd probably be happy that you care.

    We hope you keep blogging.

    The Green Girls

  4. Congrats on the newest edition to your family :)
